Federal Reserve Leaders Stress Agility in Economic Forecasting Amid Uncertainties


November 9, 2023

New Delhi, India

The Federal Reserve

Recent speeches by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker emphasized the significance of adaptability in economic policymaking. Powell highlighted the challenges posed by unpredictable global events, while Harker expressed the need for maintaining current high-interest rates to manage inflation. Both discussions shed light on the complexities faced by the Fed in navigating economic uncertainties.

Jerome Powell’s Emphasis on Forecasting Agility

During the centennial celebration of the Fed board’s Division of Research and Statistics (R&S), Powell stressed the essential role of agility in economic forecasting. He pointed out the unpredictability of global events like financial crises and pandemics, leading to unforeseen economic outcomes. While R&S provides vital economic forecasts to the Federal Open Market Committee, Powell refrained from discussing specific monetary policy decisions or future economic outlooks in his address.

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Patrick Harker’s Position on Interest Rates and Inflation

Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker expressed the view that maintaining the current high-interest rates is essential to manage inflation. He indicated that while inflation remains above the two percent long-run target, keeping rates steady allows for the effects of monetary policies to catch up. Harker cautioned against an imminent reduction in the policy rate, emphasizing the potential need for rates to remain higher for a longer duration to stabilize the economy.

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Challenges in Economic Forecasting Post-Pandemic

The post-pandemic era has presented challenges in economic forecasting, evident in unexpected inflation peaks and unpredictable economic shifts. Powell highlighted the surge in inflation rates to 7.1% in June 2022, contrary to the Fed’s initial anticipation of transitory inflation. Similarly, the Federal Reserve‘s prediction of a mild recession following bank failures in March 2023 was revised as the economy demonstrated growth at its long-term trend rate. Powell’s emphasis on agility underscores the necessity for adaptability in response to such unforeseen economic shifts.