PM Modi Predicts Record Highs for Stock Markets on June 4

Vibrant Gujarat Summit

June 1, 2024

New Delhi, India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has forecasted that the Indian stock markets will hit record highs on June 4, 2024. In an interview with a business daily, PM Modi attributed this expected surge to the pro-market reforms his government has implemented, which have created a robust and transparent financial ecosystem. He emphasized that these reforms have made it easier for every Indian to participate in the stock markets.

Market Predictions

PM Modi’s Confidence:

  • Stock Market: Modi is confident that the stock markets will reach new record highs on June 4, coinciding with the expected BJP victory in the Lok Sabha elections.
  • Reforms Impact: The government’s reforms have led to a significant increase in domestic investor participation and the financialization of savings.

Historical Performance:

  • Sensex Growth: Since taking office, PM Modi highlighted that the Sensex has grown from around 25,000 points to approximately 75,000 points, marking a historic rise. Recently, India reached a $5 trillion market cap for the first time ever.

Investment Advice

Union Home Minister Amit Shah also expressed optimism about the market’s performance on June 4. In an interview with a TV channel, Shah advised investors to buy before this date, anticipating that the markets will shoot up. Both leaders emphasized the importance of focusing on long-term investment goals and diversifying across asset classes for stability and growth.

Political and Economic Confidence

Political Impact:

  • BJP’s Expected Victory: Modi linked the anticipated market gains to the BJP’s expected record number of Lok Sabha seats, suggesting that political stability and confidence in his administration’s economic policies are driving investor sentiment.

Economic Policies:

  • Investor Trust: Modi asserted that the stock market’s trust in his government’s initiatives is evident in its remarkable performance over the past decade. This trust has resulted in a substantial increase in domestic investment and a stronger financial market.


As June 4 approaches, both Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah have expressed strong confidence in the stock markets reaching new highs. Their predictions are backed by the government’s economic reforms and the anticipated political stability from the upcoming elections. Investors are encouraged to focus on long-term goals and diversify their portfolios to benefit from the expected market growth.

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