ECB Raises Rates to Historic 4% While US Jobless Claims Stable

ECB’s Muller

New Delhi, India

September 15, 2023

In a week marked by significant economic developments on both sides of the Atlantic, the US labor market continues to defy expectations while the European Central Bank (ECB) takes decisive action to address inflation concerns amid a challenging economic outlook.

US Jobless Claims Fall:

In the United States, initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped by 10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 230,000 for the week ending August 19. This marks the second consecutive week of declining jobless claims, defying predictions of a labor market downturn following the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes. The surprising resilience of the labor market is attributed to employers holding onto workers amid difficulties in finding labor during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anticipated shocks, such as an increase in unemployment claims due to the collapse of Yellow Trucking Company, employing around 30,000 workers, have not materialized. This unanticipated labor market strength, combined with a slowdown in inflation, has raised hopes that the US economy may avoid a recession, despite the unemployment rate rising to 3.8% in August from 3.5% in July.

ECB Raises Interest Rates Amid Uncertainty:

Across the Atlantic, the European Central Bank (ECB) has acted in response to persistent inflation concerns. The ECB raised its three key interest rates by 25 basis points, reflecting its determination to bring inflation back to its 2% medium-term target.

In its September staff macroeconomic projections, the ECB revised inflation expectations upward for 2023 and 2024, primarily due to higher energy prices. However, underlying price pressures remain high, with inflation, excluding energy and food, projected to average 5.1% in 2023. Economic growth projections have been significantly lowered, with expectations of a 0.7% expansion in 2023, 1.0% in 2024, and 1.5% in 2025.

The rate hikes are seen as a response to tightening financing conditions, which are dampening demand. The ECB believes that maintaining these higher rates for a sufficient duration will substantially contribute to a timely return of inflation to the target. Future decisions will remain data-dependent, taking into account the inflation outlook and monetary policy transmission.


The US labor market continues to display resilience, confounding expectations even as the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy. Meanwhile, the ECB has acted decisively to address inflation concerns, signaling a cautious stance on future rate hikes amidst global economic uncertainty. Central banks are carefully navigating the challenges of balancing inflation and economic growth in an ever-evolving economic landscape.