Pre-Market Updates and Expectations July 07, 2023

Pre-Market Updates and Expectations July 07, 2023

Welcome to our daily pre-market update, where we comprehensively analyze the Indian rupee’s performance in the currency markets. In this article, we will delve into the previous day’s trading session, examining the critical movements of the rupee against major currencies such as the US dollar (USD), British pound (GBP), Euro (EUR), and Japanese yen (JPY). Additionally, we will offer insights into what we can expect from the rupee in today’s trading session.

Date- July 07, 2023

Place- New Delhi, India


Yesterday in the USDINR segment, the Indian Rupee showed a small but significant strengthening against the US Dollar. The market opened at 82.32, and by the close, a subtle appreciation of the Rupee was observed with a close at 82.28. This indicates a minor drop in the dollar’s value, suggesting the strengthening of the rupee on the trading day. Continued monitoring of these patterns will provide further insight into the market dynamics and potential future trends.


Yesterday, the Indian Rupee demonstrated resilience against the British Pound in the GBPINR segment. Starting at 104.52, the Rupee made strides throughout the day, causing the rate to fall to 104.43 by the end. The slight depreciation of the pound against the rupee signals a slightly more robust rupee, which is an encouraging trend for those invested in this currency pair.


The EURINR segment had a mixed performance yesterday. The Rupee depreciated against the Euro, which opened at 89.35 and ended the day at 89.51. This rise in the Euro’s value indicates a strengthening of the Euro relative to the Rupee on this day. Such fluctuations are crucial to consider for individuals or businesses participating in the forex markets and dealing with these currencies.


Yesterday in the JPYINR segment, the Indian Rupee showed a marginal gain against the Japanese Yen. The trade began with a rate of 57.11, and by day’s end, the value stood slightly lower at 57.03, signifying a slight appreciation of the rupee against the yen. While the change may seem minor, these small shifts can impact the overall trend and have larger implications over time.

Key Points to Consider Today

Welcome to this educational update from CurrencyVeda. We will explore how U.S. stock markets and the global financial landscape responded to significant economic data released on Thursday.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that the ADP’s monthly private payroll data is a critical indicator of the health of the U.S. economy. In June, the data showed that the U.S. private sector created an impressive 497,000 new jobs. This was not only nearly double the number from May, but it also vastly outpaced economists’ forecasts of 220,000.

The jobs data had a profound impact on investors’ sentiments, particularly concerning the Federal Reserve’s prospective plans for interest rates. With the economy displaying strong signs of recovery, investors recalibrated their expectations, resulting in a surge in yields for 10-year Treasury notes to their highest level since early March. This yield is a benchmark for interest rates globally, and the surge indicated an increased expectation that the Federal Reserve might take a more aggressive approach to raising its policy interest rate.

Furthermore, an ISM survey revealed that business conditions in the critical U.S. services sector also improved in June. The ISM index rose to 53.9%, up from 50.3% the previous month, and again, exceeding economists’ expectations.

However, the robust data resulted in broad losses in U.S. stocks, as it stirred concerns about potential interest rate hikes. Asian markets also fell in response to stronger-than-expected U.S. private hiring data.

In contrast, India’s Nifty index continued its upward trajectory, rising for the eighth consecutive session on July 6 with a gain of 0.51%, closing at 19497. As we enter uncharted territory, it is advisable for those with long positions to maintain a trailing stop loss at 19329, the level of Nifty’s nearest moving average support, as seen at the 5-day EMA.

We hope this review has helped you understand the intertwined dynamics of job data, interest rates, and the stock markets, both domestically and globally. Remember, the financial landscape is ever-changing, making it vital for investors to stay educated and informed.


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